How Long Until You Can Call a Country Into a War Again Eu4

Casus belli is a Latin term pregnant example of war. In the game, a country with a casus belli (commonly abbreviated to "CB") on some other country is deemed to accept a valid cause for war. When declaring war, the actor is presented with a listing of available CBs. They may pick a CB from the list or cull to declare war without a casus belli and accept the penalties of +20 base aggressive expansion[1] and −two Stability.png stability (halved with total Diplomatic ideas).

Each casus belli has a item war goal associated with information technology, generally either controlling a particular province or winning a certain proportion of battles. Meeting the state of war goal volition crusade the warscore of whichever side has accomplished it to gradually rise (up to a max bonus of 25% at a rate of +0.4% per month).

The casus belli also determines what peace terms may be demanded at no or reduced Diplomatic power.png diplomatic power cost; additionally, some CBs disallow some peace terms entirely. Extracting boosted concessions beyond those of the original CB (unjustified demands) will cost Diplomatic power.png diplomatic ability to exist demanded.

List of casus belli [edit | edit source]

State of war goals [edit | edit source]

Each CB has an associated state of war goal. This describes what each side has to do to get ticking warscore, i.e. additional warscore over fourth dimension from having accomplished the goal. Wargoals include:

  • Take province / Defend province: Control a specific province. This may exist a province chosen on declaring the war, or the capital letter. Each side gets ticking warscore as long every bit they control the target. Neither side gets ticking warscore if a third political party (e.g. rebels) controls information technology.
  • Show superiority: Have at least 10% warscore from battles. No side gets ticking warscore if neither has said warscore from battles
  • Blockade ports: Amount and rate of ticking warscore scales by the proportion of blockading.

Triggered [edit | edit source]

A triggered casus belli appears when certain actions are performed (like insulting other countries), and can likewise exist given by events and missions. Triggered casus belli only last for a certain amount of time earlier they elapse and are no longer valid. Without Art of War.png Art of War, none of these CBs can be used by an overlord on a subject field's behalf. The duration of the CBs is listed in months.

Unless otherwise noted, aggressive expansion, prestige and warscore cost modifiers and affected peace offers are the ones for the attacker only; for the defender, they are all 100% and the defender can also have provinces without spending diplomatic power.

Casus belli Wargoal Time Icon.png Elapsing Aggressive expansion impact.png modifier Yearly prestige.png modifier War score.png price modifier Acquisition Affected peace offers
Restoration of Union Take capital 240 100% 100% 100% Given by missions or to senior personal marriage partner when a junior partner becomes independent, for a total warscore price of 60%. Also given to countries with majestic ties to a monarchy who introduces a new heir.
  • Assaulter is monarchy or Dutch Commonwealth
  • Attacker is non revolutionary
  • Defender is monarchy, Ambrosian Republic, or Flag of Naples Naples after breaking to republican rebels
  • Defender is not a subject country
  • Form personal spousal relationship
  • Sacrifice province
    • Simply if as well forming a personal wedlock
Hundred Years War Take capital letter 240 aggressor:
100% 100% But triggered by the event The Surrender of Maine. Attacker:
  • Form personal spousal relationship
100% 75% Defender:
  • Cede province
    • Only on cored provinces
  • Render core
Force Union Take uppercase 360 100% 100% 100% Given to Flag of England England or Flag of Great Britain Great Britain when they complete the mission "Strategic Control".
  • Is Flag of England England or Flag of Great Britain Corking United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
  • Course personal wedlock
  • Cede provinces
    • Merely if as well forming a personal union
Defected Province Take target province 12 100% aggressor:


l% When a province defects due to rebels
  • Cede province
    • Only on provinces that defected from the aggressor in the by 12 months
Canceled Loan Superiority 12 100% aggressor:


75% Given to debtor when creditor defaults on a loan
  • Gilt
  • Concede defeat
  • Transfer trade power
  • Steer merchandise
Discovered Spy Superiority 12 100% aggressor:


75% Given by two Japanese events involving ninja
  • Revoke core
  • Gilt
  • Concede defeat
Disloyal Vassal Take upper-case letter 120 100% assaulter:


50% Given to overlord when a vassal breaks free
  • Demand vassalization
Imperial Liberation Take target province 60 100% 200% 75% Given to the Emperor when he demands unlawful territory and the other state refuses
  • Sacrifice province
    • Only on HRE provinces with the "Unlawful Territory" province modifier
  • Cancel subject
  • Release land
  • Return cadre
Diplomatic Insult Superiority 12 100% 200% 75% By consequence and the "Send Insult" diplomatic action
  • Revoke core
  • Gold
  • Concede defeat
  • Humiliation

These options and modifiers also affect the defender.

Dishonored Phone call Superiority 96 100% 200% 75% When an ally refuses a call to arms
  • Revoke core
  • Gold
  • Concede defeat
  • Humiliation
Subjugation Take capital letter 120 100% 200% 100% From vassalization missions and Nobility manor agendas
  • Demand vassalization (warscore toll is capped at 90%)
Obscure Documents Accept capital 12 100% 100% 150% By Russian "Time of Troubles" disaster effect "Simulated Dimitri Overthrown"
  • Form personal union
  • Cede province
Religious Unity Take capital 24 100% 200% 75% Given to the emperor when an HRE member refuses the emperor'due south demand for religious conformance
  • Strength change religion
Edge Friction Have target province 12 75% 100% 75% Some events
  • Sacrifice province
    • Only on neighbouring non-capital provinces
  • Concede defeat
Trade War Superiority 24 100% 200% 75% By outcome
Non to exist confused with Merchandise Dispute or Trade Conflict.
  • Revoke core
  • Gold
  • Concede defeat
  • Transfer trade power
  • Steer merchandise
  • Can't:
    • Cede province
    • Return cadre
    • Revoke core
    • Abolish subject
    • Liberate country
    • Demand vassalization
    • Force tributary status
    • Transfer vassals
    • Form personal union
Merchandise Conflict Occludent ports 24 100% 100% 100% Via the "Justify Trade Disharmonize" covert action
Not available to Merchant Republics (they go their own version, encounter below).
  • Gold
  • Concede defeat
  • Transfer trade ability
    • Costs 50% less warscore
  • Steer trade
  • Tin't :
    • Sacrifice province
    • Return core
    • Revoke core
    • Abolish subject
    • Liberate country
    • Demand vassalization
    • Force tributary status
    • Transfer vassals
    • Course personal union
Trade League Dispute Blockade ports 24 100% 100% 100% Available to the leader of a trade league against countries they could otherwise justify a trade conflict confronting.
  • Gold
  • Concede defeat
  • Transfer trade power
    • Costs 50% less warscore
  • Steer trade
  • Tin can't:
    • Sacrifice province
    • Return core
    • Revoke core
    • Cancel subject
    • Liberate country
    • Demand vassalization
    • Force tributary status
    • Transfer vassals
    • Class personal spousal relationship
Looting War Accept capital 24 50% 100% 100% Only used for the historical Spanish conquest of the Incas (1531–1533)
This CB is broken and doesn't piece of work properly, nor can it be obtained normally. It could accept been a colonial conquest CB.
  • Cede province
    • Simply on claimed provinces
Authorities Form War Have majuscule 120 75% 100% 100% Past event ( Flag of Milan Milan'due south and Flag of Naples Naples' contained Catholic monarchy neighbours when they become republics by result)
  • Force alter government type
  • Cede province
    • Only on cadre, claimed, or neighbouring provinces
Forced ally to break alliance Superiority 120 100% 200% 75% Given when a Bully Power forces an ally to break their alliance with the country.
  • Revoke core
  • Gilded
  • Concede defeat
  • Humiliation
Beat the Peasantry Take capital letter 120 75% 100% 100% Against HRE Peasant Republics (initially Flag of Dithmarschen Dithmarschen and Flag of East Frisia East Frisia)
  • for the Emperor during the majestic incident "The Fate of the Peasantry"
  • for neighbouring HRE not-republics later on said incident if the empire voted to "Trounce the remaining agitators."
  • Force change government type
  • Cede province
    • Only on cadre, claimed, or neighbouring provinces
Peasant Defection Take capital 120 75% 100% 100% For HRE Peasant Republics (initially Flag of Dithmarschen Dithmarschen and Flag of East Frisia Due east Frisia) confronting their non-republic HRE neighbours
  • during the purple incident "The Fate of the Peasantry"
  • after said incident if the empire voted to "Grant concessions to the peasantry" and countries broke to peasant rebels at to the lowest degree 10 times during the incident.
  • Enforce Peasant Rule
    • Will turn the defender into a Peasant Commonwealth
  • Cede province
    • Only on core, claimed, or neighbouring provinces
Holy War
Feast of Pheasants
Superiority 60 75% 125% 100% With Emperor Emperor, given to Flag of Burgundy Burgundy and (some) other European countries of the same organized religion confronting Flag of Ottomans Ottomans when Burgundy completes the mission "Banquet of Pheasants".
  • Attacker and defender vest to dissimilar faith groups
  • Attacker and defender have different religions, taking syncretic religions into account
  • Sacrifice province

This option and the modifiers as well affect the defender.

Strength Tributary State
Mission reward
Take capital 300 50% 200% fifty% Given past the japanese mission Imperial Mandate and several polynesian missions
  • Forcefulness tributary status
  • Cede province
    • Only if also forcing tributary status
Imperial Reconquest Have uppercase 120 25% 100 100% The Emperor declares war on Flag of Switzerland Switzerland with this CB during the purple incident "Switzerland and the Empire" if he decides that "Membership is not optional."
  • Reintegrate into Empire
    • Defender and its subjects join the Empire and the emperor gains Imperial authority.png 25 imperial authority.
  • Liberate country
Imperial Realm State of war Superiority lx assailant:
75% 100%

Given to the emperor past the diplomatic action "Declare Reichskrieg" which costs 25 IA and tin only exist used when:

  • The Emperor Emperor expansion is active
  • The reform "Reichskrieg" has been passed
  • The target state fulfills the following atmospheric condition:
    • is not a member of the HRE
    • borders the HRE
    • has more development than the emperor

All HRE members automatically bring together the war on the emperor's side when this CB is used.

  • Sacrifice province
  • Expand empire (warscore cost is capped at 90%)
  • Liberate land
125% 100%

Automated [edit | edit source]

An automated casus belli is given when certain conditions between the assaulter and the defender are met. These terminal as long as the status is still satisfied. The "advanced casus belli" are Imperialism and Nationalism and are gained at diplomatic engineering science 23.

Casus belli Wargoal Conditions Aggressive expansion impact.png modifier Yearly prestige.png modifier War score.png toll modifier Afflicted peace offers
Humiliate Rival Take majuscule
  • Assailant does not have a truce with defender
  • Attacker is a histrion
  • Defender is attacker'due south rival
  • Attacker is non revolutionary
100% 125% 100%
  • Revoke core
  • Gold
  • Annul treaties
  • Transfer merchandise power
  • Steer merchandise
  • Humiliate
  • May Prove Strength
    • Costs 100% warscore and awards 30 ability projection and 100 of each monarch ability.
  • Can't :
    • Cede province
    • Return core
    • Abolish subject
    • Liberate country
    • Demand vassalization
    • Transfer vassals
    • Force tributary status
    • Form personal union
Conquest Take target province
  • Defender holds province with aggressor's claim

With Art of War.png Art of War, may exist used by an overlord on a subject's behalf.

100% 100% 100%
  • Sacrifice province
    • Only on claimed or core provinces

This also affects the defender.

Reconquest Have target province
  • Defender holds province with attacker's cadre

With Art of War.png Art of War, may be used by an overlord on a subject's behalf.

25% 200% 75%
  • Cede province
    • Only on core provinces
  • Return cadre

These options and modifiers also bear upon the defender.

Independence Defend capital
  • Attacker is a subject nation of defender, other than a colonial nation or tributary
  • Assaulter is not Flag of Burgundy Burgundy during "The Burgundian Inheritance" regal incident[2]
  • Either:
    • Attacker does not have regime reform Daimyo, and is not Flag of So So with the Pirate Republic reform, and does not have the reform Clerical State, Monastic Guild or Peasants Republic after having the event The Amida Buddha
    • Defender does not have government form Shogunate
100% 75%
  • Concede defeat
  • Demand Independence (23% warscore)
  • Cede province
Colonial Independence Defend capital letter
  • Assaulter is a colonial nation of defender
100% 75%
  • Concede defeat
  • Need Independence (23% warscore)
  • Cede province
Nationalism Take target province
  • Assaulter has Diplomatic technology.png diplomatic applied science level 23
  • Attacker is not a subject area nation, or is a tributary
  • Defender holds a province in attacker'due south culture group
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
50% 150% 50%
  • Cede province
    • Only on provinces in victor'south civilization grouping

These options and modifiers also affect the defender.

Imperialism Take uppercase
  • Attacker has diplomatic technology level 23, or has Invasion modifier (only for Jan Mayen and Synthetics in an unmodded game)
  • Attacker is not a subject nation, or is a tributary
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
  • Attacker does not take regime reform "War Confronting the World Doctrine"
75% 100% 75%
  • Cede province

These options and modifiers also affect the defender.

Incorporate Hegemon Take capital
  • Attacker is non a hegemon
  • Defender is a hegemon (requires Emperor Emperor)
75% 100% 75%
  • Cede province

These options and modifiers also impact the defender.

War Confronting the Earth Take capital
  • Aggressor is not a discipline nation, or is a tributary
  • Assaulter is not revolutionary
  • Assaulter has government reform "War Confronting the World Doctrine" (requires Pirate Republic government)
75% 100% 75%
  • Cede province

These options and modifiers likewise touch the defender.

War for the Emperor
Subject Daimyo attacking the Shogun
Take capital
  • Assailant is a vassal or junior personal marriage partner of defender
  • Attacker has regime reform Daimyo, or is Flag of So So with the Pirate Republic regime reform or has one of the reforms Clerical Land, Monastic Order or Peasants Commonwealth afterward having the result The Amida Buddha
  • Defender has government reform Shogunate
  • Assaulter is non revolutionary
75% 100% 100%
  • Cede province
    • Simply on provinces endemic by daimyo or the Shogun
War for the Emperor
Independent Daimyo attacking the Shogun
Take capital letter
  • Attacker is not a subject country
  • Assailant has authorities reform Contained Daimyo, or is Flag of So And then with the Pirate Republic authorities reform or has ane of the reforms Clerical State, Monastic Society or Peasants Democracy after having the event The Amida Buddha
  • Defender has government reform Shogunate
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
75% 100% 100%
  • Cede province
    • Merely on provinces endemic by daimyo or the Shogun
Annex Daimyo Have capital letter
  • Assaulter has government reform Shogunate
  • Defender has government reform Daimyo and is a subject area of the shogun, or is Flag of So And then with the Pirate Republic government reform or has the reform Clerical State, Monastic Order or Peasants Commonwealth after having the event The Amida Buddha
  • Defender owns at least 10 provinces, or is contained
  • Aggressor is not revolutionary
75% 100% 100%
  • Cede province
    • Only on provinces owned by daimyo
Sengoku Have upper-case letter
  • Attacker and defender both:
    • Are subject countries
    • Accept government reform Daimyo, or are Flag of So So with the Pirate Republic government reform or take the reform Clerical Country, Monastic Order or Peasants Republic after having the event The Amida Buddha
  • Assaulter neighbours defender
  • Attacker is non revolutionary
75% 100% 100%
  • Sacrifice province
    • Only on provinces owned past daimyo
Colonialism Take target colony
  • Attacker has a colonial merits against defender. This means:
    • Aggressor or their subject colonial nation owns land that is overseas for assaulter
    • Defender owns country that is overseas for them or they are a colonial subject
    • These respective provinces neighbour each other
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
50% 25% (125% for all peace terms which are not covered past the CB)
  • Sacrifice province
    • Only on the provinces that could trigger the CB for either side
100% 50%
Liberation Take capital letter
  • Available to France subsequently completing the mission "American Independence", otherwise but used in historical wars
100% 300% 75%
  • Cancel subjects
  • Liberate land
  • Return core
Holy State of war Superiority
  • Assailant does non take the tier viii theocracy government reform "The Global Crusade"
  • Aggressor neighbours defender
  • Attacker and defender belong to unlike religion groups
  • Aggressor and defender have dissimilar religions, taking syncretic religions into business relationship
  • One of:
    • Attacker has Religious thought "Deus Vult"
    • Attacker is Cosmic, and the Curia controller has declared a crusade on defender
    • With Emperor Emperor: aggressor is Muslim, and their faith's tier 3 or college Defender of the Organized religion has declared a jihad on the target province (Jerusalem, Mecca, or Medina) because information technology is endemic past a not-Muslim country
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
75% 125% 100%
  • Cede province

This choice and the modifiers also utilize to the defender.

Defender of the Faith Defend country
  • Attacker is Defender of the Faith
  • Attacker neighbours defender
  • Attacker and defender accept different religions, taking syncretic religions into business relationship
  • Attacker has Religious thought "Deus Vult"
  • Assaulter is not revolutionary
  • One of:
    • Peace of Westphalia has non occurred (Always true if Art of War is not agile.)
    • Attacker and defender are not both members of the Holy Roman Empire
100% 200% 75%
  • Abolish subject
  • Liberate land
  • Return core
  • Revoke core
  • Gold
  • Concede defeat
  • Cede province
Cleansing of Heresy Superiority
  • Aggressor neighbours defender
  • Assaulter has Religious idea "Deus Vult", or defender had event "The Heretic King" since the concluding change of ruler and chose the option "Stay truthful to Christ!"
  • Attacker and defender belong to the aforementioned religion group
  • Assailant and defender have different religion, taking syncretic religions into account
  • If Art of War is active and attacker and defender are both in the HRE: the Peace of Westphalia has non occurred
  • Aggressor is not revolutionary
75% 200% 100%
  • Force alter religion
  • Sacrifice province
Excommunication State of war / Excommunicated Ruler Superiority
  • Attacker is Catholic and not excommunicated
  • Defender is Catholic and is excommunicated
  • Attacker neighbours defender
  • One of:
    • Peace of Westphalia has not occurred (Ever true if Fine art of War is not agile.)
    • Attacker and defender are not both members of the Holy Roman Empire
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
50% 125% 100%
  • Cancel subject
  • Liberate country
  • Return cadre
  • Cede province
    • Only on cadre, claimed or neighbouring provinces endemic by excommunicated Catholics
  • Revoke cadre
  • Demand vassalization
  • Gold
  • Concede defeat
Merchandise Dispute Superiority
  • I of:
    • Defender embargoes assailant, just attacker does not embargo defender
    • Both countries are Merchant Republics
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
100% 200% 75%
  • Revoke cadre
  • Gilded
  • Concede defeat
  • Transfer trade ability
  • Steer merchandise
  • Tin't:
    • Cede province
    • Render cadre
    • Revoke core
    • Cancel field of study
    • Transfer vassals
    • Liberate land
    • Demand vassalization
    • Forcefulness tributary status
    • Form personal union

These options and modifiers too affect the defender.

Merchandise League Dispute Superiority
  • Attacker is leader of a trade league
  • Attacker is not embargoed by defender
  • A member of attacker'due south trade league is embargoed by defender
  • Assaulter is not revolutionary
100% 200% 75%
  • Revoke core
  • Golden
  • Concede defeat
  • Transfer trade power
  • Steer trade
  • Can't:
    • Cede province
    • Render cadre
    • Revoke core
    • Cancel subject area
    • Liberate country
    • Demand vassalization
    • Transfer vassals
    • Strength tributary status
    • Form personal matrimony

These options and modifiers also touch on the defender.

Royal Ban Accept target province
  • Attacker is Holy Roman Emperor
  • Imperial reform "Call for Reichsreform" has been enacted
  • Defender is not in HRE, but holds an HRE province
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
100% 200% 75%
  • Cancel subject
  • Liberate country
  • Return cadre
  • Cede province
    • Only on HRE provinces held by non-HRE country. Cannot demand non-HRE provinces even for normal cost
Coalition Superiority
  • Attacker is in a coalition against defender
  • Coalition has at to the lowest degree 3 members
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
10% 100% 75%
  • Cancel subject
  • Liberate country
  • Render core
  • Revoke cadre
  • Gold
  • Concede defeat
  • Cede province
    • Only on master defender'due south cadre provinces

The attacking state of war leader gets +30 war enthusiasm with this CB.

Claim on Throne Have majuscule
  • Attacker has a succession claim on defender (usually considering of the "Claim Throne" diplomatic activeness)
  • Aggressor is not revolutionary
200% 140%
  • Course personal union (84% warscore toll)
  • Sacrifice province (only if as well forming a spousal relationship)
100% 75%
  • Sacrifice province
    • Simply on core provinces
Tribal Conquest Superiority
  • Attacker neighbours defender
  • Assailant is Steppe Nomad
  • Defender is not Steppe Nomad
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
75% 100% 100%
  • Cede province
  • Demand vassalization
  • Force tributary condition
  • Gold

These options and modifiers also affect the defender.

Tribal Feud Take target province
  • Both countries are Steppe Nomads
  • Attacker neighbours defender
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
75% 100% 100%
  • Cede province
  • Demand vassalization
  • Force tributary condition
  • Gilded

These options and modifiers likewise touch the defender.

Revoke Electorate Have capital
  • Common Sense.png Common Sense is not active Employ "Revoke Electorate" diplomatic action instead.
  • Art of War.png Art of State of war is not active Evidently it breaks the religious league system.
  • Attacker is Holy Roman Emperor
  • Defender is an elector
  • Assaulter and defender have unlike faith
  • Aggressor is not revolutionary
100% 200% 75%
  • Revoke electorate
Liberate Elector Superiority
  • Attacker is Holy Roman Emperor
  • Defender has an elector bailiwick
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
100% 150% 75%
  • Cancel subject field
  • Liberate country
  • Return core
Trade Protection Blockade ports
  • Attacker's abode trade node, or ane where they have a merchant:
    • Attacker has at least 10% share of merchandise power
    • Defender's privateers have at to the lowest degree 1% share of trade power
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
100% 100% 100%
  • Gold
  • Concede defeat
  • Transfer trade power
    • Costs one-half amount of warscore
  • Steer trade
  • (Attacker only) Tin't:
    • Cede province
Crush the Revolution Take upper-case letter
  • Assailant neighbours defender or the distance between the borders is less than 200
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
  • Attacker is not a subject, or is a tributary
  • Assailant does not have a truce with defender
  • Defender is revolutionary
50% 150% 50%
  • Demand vassalization
  • Cede province
    • Only if also dismantling/spreading the revolution (as appropriate)
  • Revoke cadre
  • Cancel subject
  • Liberate country
  • Gilt
  • Concede defeat
  • Annul treaties
  • (Attacker only) Dismantle the revolution
  • (Defender only) Spread the revolution

Except equally noted above, these options and modifiers also bear on the defender. Both sides get an additional +50 war enthusiasm when at war with this CB.

Spread the Revolution Superiority
  • Aggressor is revolutionary
  • Attacker is a player, or assaulter'south capital is in Europe, or attacker is the revolution target
  • Defender is not attacker'due south subject
  • Defender is non revolutionary
50% 150% fifty%
  • Demand vassalization
  • Cede province
    • Only if too dismantling/spreading the revolution (as advisable)
  • Revoke core
  • Cancel subject
  • Release state
  • Gold
  • Counteract treaties
  • (Aggressor simply) Spread the revolution
  • (Defender only) Dismantle the revolution

Except as noted above, these options and modifiers as well affect the defender.

Unify China

While existence the war leader in a war which was alleged with this CB, a country which has the Celestial Empire or Chinese Kingdom government reform, gains cores on all provinces in the Cathay subcontinent which it occupies

  • Attacker is not a subject field nation, or is a tributary
  • One of the following:
    • Attacker is the emperor of China
    • Attacker has the government reform Celestial Empire or Chinese Kingdom
    • the Mandate of Heaven.png Mandate of Heaven expansion is not active and assailant's principal civilisation is in the Chinese group
  • Defender is non a subject of the attacker
  • If the Mandate of Heaven.png Mandate of Sky expansion is non active, the primary civilisation of the defender is in the Chinese group
  • Defender owns at least one province in N China, Xinan, or South Cathay region
  • Defender does not have the "Mandate of Heaven" modifier
  • Defender is not the emperor of Red china
  • Attacker neighbours defender
25% 150% 50% Attacker:
  • Cede province
    • Just on provinces in the China subcontinent
  • Can't :
    • Force tributary condition
  • Cede province
    • Merely on provinces in the Southward Red china, Xinan or South China region or with culture in the same grouping as defender
Have Mandate of Sky Take capital
  • The Mandate of Heaven.png Mandate of Heaven expansion is active
  • Attacker is not a subject country
  • Attacker neighbours defender
  • Attacker does not have authorities reform Shogunate
  • Defender is the Emperor of China
  • Attacker'southward religion is in pagan or Eastern grouping
  • Attacker does not have a truce with defender
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
  • One of the following:
    • Attacker is a player
    • Attacker is in the Chinese civilization group
    • Assailant owns an accustomed culture province whose culture is in the Chinese culture grouping
50% 100% l% Assaulter:
  • Cede province
  • Have Mandate of Heaven
  • Cede province
Humiliate Have capital
  • The Conquest of Paradise.png Conquest of Paradise expansion is active
  • Attacker'due south government is Native
  • Assaulter does not have a truce with defender
  • Both assaulter and defender just own one province
  • Attacker neighbours defender
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
0% 0% 0%
  • Humiliate
  • Gold
  • Tin can't annex or vassalize enemies
Religious League Superiority
  • The Art of War.png Art of State of war expansion is agile
  • Neither country is already in a league state of war
  • Defender is Holy Roman Emperor
  • Attacker is league leader
  • Attacker is heretic to HRE
  • Attacker is in opposing league
  • Assailant is not revolutionary
50% 150% 50%
  • Need vassalization
  • Cede province
  • Revoke cadre
  • Abolish field of study
  • Release country
  • Force change religion
  • Gilt
  • Annul treaties
  • Religious supremacy

Both sides get an additional +50 war enthusiasm when at war with this CB.

Support Rebels Take upper-case letter
  • The Art of War.png Art of War expansion is agile
  • Rebel faction that attacker is supporting has risen in revolt against defender
100% 200% 50%
  • Enforce rebel demands

While at war with this CB, the targeted rebels' armies are friendly to attacker.

Maya Confederation Take upper-case letter
  • The El Dorado.png El Dorado expansion is agile
  • Assailant has Mayan religion
  • Attacker is not a subject nation, or is a tributary
  • Attacker has not reformed their organized religion
  • Defender is not a subject of attacker
  • Defender is in infidel religious group
  • Attacker neighbours defender
75% 100% 75%
  • Cede province
Bloom Wars Take capital
  • The El Dorado.png El Dorado expansion is active
  • Attacker's religion is Nahuatl
  • Assaulter is non a subject nation, or is a tributary
  • Attacker has not reformed the religion
  • Defender is non a subject of assaulter
  • Attacker neighbors defender
100% 200% 50%
  • Demand vassalization
Strength Migration Take capital
  • Conquest of Paradise.png Conquest of Paradise expansion is active
  • Aggressor is a migratory nation or is a native tribe
  • Defender is a migratory nation
  • If the defender is a native tribe, its capital letter is in the tribal country of the attacker
100% 200%
  • (Defender only) Cede province[3]
    • Only on neighbouring provinces that aren't the loser'southward uppercase
  • Cede tribal land
    • Only if adjoining assaulter's tribal land
    • (Attacker only) Only if also forcing migration[4]
  • (Aggressor only) Force migration
  • Humiliate
  • Aureate
  • May Show Strength (even against non-rivals)
  • Can't :
    • Demand vassalization (this doesn't affect separate peace deals)
    • Transfer vassals (this doesn't touch on separate peace deals)
    • Force tributary status (this doesn't bear on separate peace deals)
100% 100%
Force Tributary State Have majuscule
  • Mandate of Heaven.png Mandate of Heaven expansion is active
  • Aggressor is Emperor of China
  • Defender is non a subject nation
  • Assaulter neighbors defender
  • If the attacker is an AI and has its capital in the Communist china subcontinent or Japan region, the defender'due south capital letter is non in that subcontinent/region
50% 200% 50%
  • Force tributary status
  • Cede province
    • Merely if as well forcing tributary status
Aggrandize Empire Accept capital
  • The Emperor Emperor expansion is active
  • Attacker is the Holy Roman Emperor
  • The reform "Absolute Reichsstabilität" has been passed
  • Defender is a valid target for the "Aggrandize empire" peace bargain
  • Defender is in the aforementioned religion grouping as attacker
  • Defender is on the same continent as assaulter
  • Defender is non a member of the Holy Roman Empire
  • Defender neighbours any province that is part of the empire
25% 25% 100%
  • Aggrandize empire (Forces defender, all their subjects, and all their provinces to join the empire)
Great Holy War Superiority
  • Attacker has the tier 8 theocracy government reform "The Global Crusade"
  • Ane of:
    • Attacker neighbours defender
    • Assaulter has a merits on defender
    • Attacker has Religious idea "Deus Vult"
    • Defender is in pagan religious grouping, and attacker has completed Exploration ideas or has the "Mission to Acculturate" tier ii government reform
  • Attacker and defender belong to different religion groups
  • Assailant and defender have different religions, taking syncretic religions into account
  • Attacker is not revolutionary
75% 200% 75%
  • Sacrifice province
  • Cancel subject
  • (Attacker only) Force alter organized religion

Except as noted higher up, these options and modifiers also affect the defender.

Majapahit Campaigns Have upper-case letter
  • Defender is not a subject field nation, or is a tributary
  • Defender meets sure requirements depending on Majapahit missions completed by attacker:
    • Enforce Loyalty: primary culture is in the Malay group
    • Gajah Mada's Oath: tech grouping is Chinese technology group Chinese
    • Subjugate the Mainland: no constraints
lxxx% 150% eighty%
  • Demand vassalization (max 72% warscore)
  • Forcefulness tributary status (max 72% warscore)
  • Cede province
    • Merely if likewise forcing vassalization or tributary status
Malacca Campaigns Take capital
  • Aggressor has completed the Malaccan mission Destroy Majapahit
  • Defender is not a subject nation, or is a tributary
  • Defender is in the Malay culture group
80% 150% eighty%
  • Demand vassalization (max 72% warscore)
  • Force tributary status (max 72% warscore)
  • Sacrifice province
    • Merely if besides forcing vassalization or tributary status
Sword of Islam Superiority
  • Aggressor has completed the Pasai/Aceh mission
  • Attacker'due south organized religion is Sunni
  • Defender is non Muslim
  • Defender meets certain requirements depending on Pasai missions completed by aggressor:
    • The Porch of Mecca: primary culture is Sumatran
    • Islamize Sumatra: primary culture is Javanese or Sundanese
    • Islamize Java: primary culture is Sulawesi or Moluccan
    • Islamize the Moluccas: attacker neighbours defender
75% 200% 75%
  • Cede province
  • Cancel subject
  • (Aggressor only) Forcefulness change organized religion

Except as noted above, these options and modifiers likewise affect the defender.

Tribal Border Feud Superiority
  • The Conquest of Paradise.png Conquest of Paradise expansion is active
  • Attacker and defender are native tribes
  • If assailant's capital is in defender'due south tribal land: assaulter neighbours defender
  • Otherwise: any tribal land of the aggressor borders tribal land of the defender (this includes tribal land which is settled)
100% 100%
  • Cede province
    • Only on not-capital border provinces
  • Cede tribal land
    • Simply on adjoining tribal land
  • Gold
  • (Attacker simply) Force migration
  • (Aggressor just) Tin can't :
    • Demand vassalization
    • Force tributary status
Button back the colonizers Superiority
  • The Conquest of Paradise.png Conquest of Paradise expansion is active
  • Attacker is a native tribe
  • Defender isn't a native tribe
  • Either the aggressor neighbours the defender or the defender owns a province which is a tribal land of the attacker
100% 100% 100%
  • Abandon colonies
  • Cede province
  • (Assailant merely) Can't :
    • Demand vassalization (this doesn't affect separate peace deals)
    • Transfer vassals (this doesn't bear upon separate peace deals)
    • Forcefulness tributary condition (this doesn't touch separate peace deals)

Conquest details [edit | edit source]

Having a merits allows the selection of the targeted province as a wargoal. The covert Fabricate Claims diplomatic action provides a claim on a single province (for details of which provinces can have claims made on them, see Espionage § Covert actions). This is an immediate action that costs a sure number of points of spy network strength, starting at 20 and increasing by 5 spy network points per existing claim. In improver, many missions, events and unification national decisions give permanent or temporary claims, sometimes on a large region. There are as well some events, such every bit Border Friction, that permit claims to exist gained.

A temporary claim will expire in 25 years afterwards a nation first gets the claim (permanent claims never expire). A claim tin't expire during a war with the province's owner; permanent claims never expire, though they can still be given up in a peace deal. Regardless of CB used, claims provide Core-creation cost.png −ten% core cosmos price, or −25% for a permanent claim.

Choosing a CB [edit | edit source]

Conquest is ordinarily the easiest CB to get past simply fabricating a claim, but also the least useful. Taking too many provinces can quickly consequence in a large coalition being formed confronting the country due to ambitious expansion (AE). It is still desirable to fabricate claims before fighting, in order to reduce coring cost and fourth dimension, and the diplomatic signal cost.

  • Holy War and Cleansing of Heresy work on any pagan or heretic, which as well removes diplomatic bespeak cost for taking whatsoever province, and are both unlocked by the final Religious thought.
  • If you have a special CB due to your regime grade or religion that allows yous to accept country, you'll usually exist improve off using it when possible, since it's tailored to your needs. Claims are however useful in these situations, merely not strictly necessary. Daimyo, Maya reforming the organized religion, the Emperor of Cathay, and steppe hordes all desire to conquer land with less AE and possibly warscore cost, while Nahuatl trying to reform the religion want cheaper vassalization. The revolution target wants to Spread the Revolution (in fact it tin can inappreciably do much more), while their monarchist neighbours desire to Crush the Revolution.
  • Annotation that a casus belli only reduces the cost of provinces that fulfill its criteria. For instance, Colonialism has 25% aggressive expansion and l% warscore cost, but only for taking provinces that are overseas for both or from overseas colonial nations. Provinces on the same continent as the target'south capital or directly connected to the capital will incur total costs (unless they're a colonial nation). When choosing such a CB, it will listing the names of all the applying provinces, or testify the number of these provinces if there are also many.
  • Besides notation that the reduced warscore toll also affects options that are set on total province toll. So if a state's warscore cost is but over 100, the reduced price for being wargoal might merely make the country annexable/vassalizable.

If the goal of the war is not to seize territory or force-vassalize, so the choice of CB is less important, since extorting money or releasing nations doesn't cause AE. Conquest is fine to utilise in such a situation. If the country happens to be a rival and releasing vassals or countries is not desired, the special Humiliate Rival CB is ideally suited for this purpose. The drawback is that allies can't exist called in on a promise of land with a CB that can't be used to fulfil that hope, so yous volition need favours.

/Europa Universalis IV/mutual/cb_types/00_cb_types

  1. the base of operations aggressive expansion gets increased by various factors. Come across AE for details.
  2. Does not have the flag burgundy_during_imperial_incident. This gets set for Flag of Burgundy Burgundy by the event The Burgundian Succession and gets removed by several of the later events of the result concatenation
  3. Script permits attacker demanding provinces, just defender volition simply exist able to sacrifice their capital letter, which is blocked. Migrating to own tribal land and then settling down, which would be a way for defender to go more provinces, is not allowed while the war is ongoing.
  4. Assaulter can demand the tribal land that the defender is existence forced to migrate to, but and so the migration volition neglect.


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